Associate Professor
Javier Pozuelo is Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid since 2010. He received his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Alcalá de Henares in 1998 with the title: «Molecular Dynamics Simulations of cyclodextrins and their inclusion complexes: the polyrotaxanes», under the direction of professors Enrique Saiz García and Francisco Mendicuti Madrid and at the University of Akron (USA) under the direction of professor Wayne Mattice with the qualification of Cum Laude. Now, he has all the possible teaching complements and all the possible research complements. He has directed three PhD, all of them with the qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude. His lines of research focus on: Simulation and conformational statistics of polymers, Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles, synthesis and characterization of carbonaceous nanomaterials and materials for electromagnetic shielding. In these years we have prepared nanomaterials based on carbon nanofibers, carbon nanotubes, graphite, combinations of graphite and carbon nanotubes. We have decorated these carbon nanostructures with nanoparticles of metal oxides. We have determined how the microscopic and macroscopic structuring of the systems formed by these nanoparticles are determinant for the final electromagnetic properties. At the Carlos III University of Madrid he has participated in four projects with companies and twelve competitive research projects of which one as principal investigator entitled: «NACOPAN: Nano-conductive Polymer Composites with predifined architecture and customised dielectric and EMC properties dedicated to shielding and absorbent panels for special Buiding». (NAN2007-31173-E) European project in the field of ERA-NET. This project was the genesis of the line of work in electromagnetic shielding.
WoS Researcher ID: F-1986-2014
SCOPUS Author ID: 6701420296
ORCID: 0000-0003-4113-6687