Assistant Professor
Dr. Alberto García-Peñas is assistant professor in the deparment of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering at University Carlos III of Madrid.
Relevant Publications
- Scientific paper. Kumar, A.; Sharma, G.; Naushad, M.; Al-Muhtaseb, A.H.; García-Peñas, A.; Mola, G.T.; Si, C.; Stadler, F.J.2020. Bio-inspired and biomaterials-based hybrid photocatalysts for environmental detoxification: A review Chemical Engineering Journal. 382.
- Scientific paper. Yu Wang; Alberto García-Peñas; Santiago Gómez-Ruiz; Florian J. Stadler. 2020. Surrounding Interactions on Phase Transition Temperature Promoted by Organometallic Complexes in Functionalized Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-dopamine methacrylamide) Copolymers Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. Wiley. 221-9, pp.2000035.
- Scientific paper. Wu, Q.; García-Peñas, A.; Barranco-García, R.; Cerrada, M.L.; Benavente, R.; Pérez, E.; Gómez-Elvira, J.M.2019. A new insight into the comonomer effect through NMR analysis in metallocene catalysed propene-co-1-nonene copolymers Polymers. 11-8.
- Scientific paper. García-Peñas, A.; Biswas, C.S.; Liang, W.; Wang, Y.; Yang, P.; Stadler, F.J.2019. Effect of hydrophobic interactions on lower critical solution temperature for poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-dopamine methacrylamide) copolymers Polymers. 11-6.
- Scientific paper. Sharma, G.; García-Peñas, A.; Kumar, A.; et al; Stadler, F.J.2019. Fe/La/Zn nanocomposite with graphene oxide for photodegradation of phenylhydrazine Journal of Molecular Liquids. 285, pp.362-374.
- Scientific paper. Sagar, R.U.R.; Galluzzi, M.; García-Peñas, A.; Bhat, M.A.; Zhang, M.; Stadler, F.J.2019. Large unsaturated room temperature negative magnetoresistance in graphene foam composite for wearable and flexible magnetoelectronics Nano Research. 12-1, pp.101-107.
- Scientific paper. García-Peñas, A.; Wang, Y.; Muñoz-Bonilla, A.; Fernández-García, M.; Stadler, F.J.2019. Lower critical solution temperature sensitivity to structural changes in poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) homopolymers Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 57-20, pp.1386-1393.
- Scientific paper. Gómez-Ruiz, S.; García-Peñas, A.; Prashar, S.; Rodríguez-Diéguez, A.; Fischer-Fodor, E.2018. Anticancer applications of nanostructured silica-based materials functionalized with titanocene derivatives: Induction of cell death mechanism through TNFR1 modulation Materials. 11-2.
- Scientific paper. Sharma, G.; Kumar, A.; Naushad, M.; et al; Stadler, F.J.2018. Fabrication and characterization of Gum arabic-cl-poly(acrylamide) nanohydrogel for effective adsorption of crystal violet dye Carbohydrate Polymers. 202, pp.444-453.
- Scientific book or monograph. Gaurav Sharma; Alberto García-Peñas. 2021. Nanohybrids Materials Research Foundations. 87.
Research projects
- ID 2019093756, A real-time SAXS/WAXS study of nanocomposites of PVDF and mesoporous SBA-15 silica ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility. Ernesto Pérez. (Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)). 01/2020-06/2020.
- 2018M633119, Bioinspired materials for biomedical applications and other devices Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Alberto García Peñas. (Shenzhen University (SZU)). 05/2018-04/2019. 6.446,11 €.
- COST ACTION MP1206, Electrospun Nano-fibres for bioinspired composite materials and innovative industrial applications COST Grant System. Erich Kny. (University of Vienna). 23/05/2013-22/05/2017.
- MAT2013-47972-C2-1-P, Polymeric nanocomposites based on mesoporous silicas and graphene for advanced performances Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. María Luisa Cerrada. (Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)). 01/01/2014-31/12/2016. 133.347 €.
- Red Temática 311RT0417, Desarrollo sostenible de la industria del polipropileno: Propiedades controladas a medida y optimización del consumo energético y de la degradación Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo. CYTED 2010. Rosario Benavente. (Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)). 2011-2014. 113.000 €.
Awards and honors
- Award to the best oral communication presented at “Simposio de Calorimetría y Análisis Térmico de la XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física” (Valencia, Spain). July 2013.
- Spotlight article: “Spotlight article in the Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry, Issue 15” (New York, United States of America). August 2013.
- Nominated like candidate of “Grupo Español de Calorimetría y Análisis Térmico (GECAT)” for the ICTAC Young Scientist Award (Gerona, Spain). January 2016.
- International award to the best 2015 PhD Thesis: “Borealis Student Innovation Award to the best 2015 PhD Thesis” (Linz, Austria). May 2016.
- Recognition of the scientific merits achieved during the academic year 2015/16 of the Spanish National Research Council (Madrid, Spain). June 2016.
- Second Award from the Specialized Group of Polymers of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) and Spanish Royal Society of Physic to the best PhD Thesis in polymers (Burgos, Spain). June 2016.
- Secondary Award from “Grupo Español de Calorimetría y Análisis Térmico (GECAT)” of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) and Spanish Royal Society of Physic to the best PhD Thesis (Madrid, Spain). September 2016.
- Representative of Shenzhen University at International Symposium on Postdoctoral System 2017. Selected as one of the 20 postdoctoral researchers to be part of International Symposium on Postdoctoral System 2017 (Zhuhai, China). November 2017.
- Representative of China at International Summer School on Medicines (SSM10). Selected as one of the international postdoctoral researchers to be part of the international participants in the school (Riberao Preto, Brazil). March 2018.
- Representative of Shenzhen University at Shenzhen Government for improving the lives of foreigners in the Special Economic Zone. (Shenzhen, China). April 2018.
- Xi’an Hong Hui Hospital recognition. (Xi’an, China). December 2018.
Editorial Board
- Topic Editor. Crystals, MDPI 2020-2022
- Associate Editor. Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, JESM. 2020-…
Organization of R&D activities
- Title of the activity: EURAXESS Researchers’ Night Shenzhen 2019 Type of activity: Meeting Convening entity: EURAXESS China City convening entity: Shenzhen, China Start date: 29/06/2019
- Title of the activity: Meeting of Ibero-American Researchers in Southern China (RICEncuentra) Type of activity: Meeting Convening entity: Embajada de España City convening entity: Shenzhen, China Start date: 29/06/2019
- Name of the forum: U.S. – China University Student Leaders Academy Professional category: Evaluator Organizing entity: Zhi-Xing China Fellowships Type of entity: Foundation City organizing entity: Shanghai, China Start-End date: 20/07/2019 – 09/08/2019